In our busy, status-focused society, taking a breath or a pause seems revolutionary.

There are big changes at Conscious Pause. Click here for info.

Conscious Pause: supporting you to slow down and intentionally find pause and rest in your life

What if time was considered your most precious resource? And, what if it was valued in the same way as money? Imagine what your life could be like if you are not rushed.

About Us

Conscious Pause provides support, products, and inspiration for re-grounding and reflecting so you can reconnect with yourself through a sabbatical practice. Taking a pause is neither selfish or self-centered but rather an act of deep caring for yourself. It is essential to ensure your needs, desires, and health are considered. Essentially, it means ”consciously pausing” instead of functioning on auto-pilot through life.

Taking a pause is similar to the emergency instructions on a plane. If you do not first put your oxygen mask, you cannot help others. Taking a pause is like taking a life-giving breath of oxygen so you can be your best for the people and things that matter most to you.

Conscious Pause was founded by Karen Olson and Sara Bateman who both learned the value of sabbaticals during times of burnout in their lives. Their belief that society is pushing us to be exhausted, stretched and depleted. The idea of rest is shunned and shamed and that needs to change!

At Conscious Pause, our mantra is “undo busyness.” If that resonates with you, join us. Sabbaticals allow you to step away from the busyness of day-to-day life to reflect on how you are living life and what you want it to truly look like going forward.

Are you ready to hit pause?

Sabbatical Products & Services

Whether you find yourself in a planned or unplanned pause in life, Conscious Pause provides curated sabbaticals through one-on-one guiding services. By helping you uncover the purpose, principles and premise of your sabbatical or pause, we suggest the resources, connections, programs, activities that you can choose to use to ensure a fulfilling experience.  

We also offer other products that allow you to do your sabbatical on your own terms and pace. Our digital downloads provide resources and prompts to help guide you through your pause.

For many people, they want to take a sabbatical or leave but are worried about wasting it away. We won’t let that happen. For some, a sabbatical will be a time of rest and for others, it’s a time for adventure. There is no right or wrong way to “sabbatical” but with Conscious Pause, we help you make it the right way for you. 

Sabbatical Digital Downloads.

We have a couple of download options:

  • Our DIY guide helps those wanting to do a sabbatical on their own time and terms. The guide provides questions, resources and prompts to walk you through your sabbatical.

  • 12-week Sabbatical Mindset Journal helps you reflect on your own life, its level of busyness and to help decide a path towards undoing that busyness. Writing and reflecting is a key part of take a pause.

Contact us here to order the digital download that will work best for you.

One-on-One Modern Sabbatical Guiding

Sometimes taking a sabbatical feels daunting and you don’t want to “waste” your time away. Our Conscious Pause team can curate and guide you through your sabbatical with one-on-one sessions.

We offer this service for a small number of clients. If you are interested, we have both a 30-minute sabbatical-curious phone conversation as well as an in-depth full sabbatical guiding program for the whole time of your pause.

Contact us here to book some time with us.

Undo Busyness Newsletter

We have a monthly newsletter full of resources, articles and inspiration to cultivate a sabbatical mindset exclusively for our newsletter subscribers.

Subscribe here to get in the know!